welcome to whiblo


Out of our passion for compliance and IT, we created whiblo – an application that enables secure and anonymous whistleblowing in organisations that want to hear the voice of their employees in order to effectively manage risks and thus grow and build a stable future.

Introduce an effective, modern and friendly whistleblower system to your company!

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aplikacja dla sygnalistów

Someone always knows about irregularities in the workplace

44% of employees do not report problems in the workplace because they feel their reports will not ultimately be effective.*

A company that is open to employees' voices and which responds to their concerns benefits from this approach on many levels – not only does it manage risk more effectively, but it also gains the best ambassadors, operates stably, as well as builds trust and an image as a reliable employer and business partner.

Are you prepared to meet the requirements of the whistleblower protection directive?

We are here to help you.

whiblo provides the security and comfort of anonymous whistleblowing and ensures the compliance of your business with the applicable requirements.
aplikacja dla sygnalistów

A legal obligation, or maybe something more

Did you know that 70% of employees would be willing to report workplace irregularities if given anonymity?*

Use a modern tool that allows you to correspond with a whistleblower without them having to provide any contact details.

Involve employees in the functioning of your organisation to create a better working environment and a strong and stable business together.

*Source: "Whistleblower protection - employee awareness and practices in companies in Poland" – a survey conducted in April 2021 by ARC Rynek i Opinia on behalf of braf.tech

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